Hi everyone!
The prompt for May is STORM!
What kind of storm is brewing in your imagination? Is your character anticipating a thunderstorm, caught in a sea squall, or have they just weathered a winter blizzard? How will you put your own unique twist on this prompt?
Grab your umbrella and rain boots, this is gonna be fun!
For this type of prompt, remember that concept is king. You need to spend some time identifying a great story before you ever begin sketching. Besides a good story, your illustration also needs to include a character, some kind of environment, and a storm. The format can be a full page or spot illustration.
Not sure how to come up with a great concept? Watch last month’s Special Critique Session or take Will Terry’s Developing Great Visual Stories course.
As always, be sure to submit via the Critique Arena website. Please note that the Submit Your Art! button will now take you to your SVSLearn student account, where you will be prompted to log in and submit your image in the Critique Arena course.
We also encourage you to post your final entry right here so everyone can love on it!
Entries are due by May 31.
Good luck everyone!
@chrisaakins Oh, wow! This turned out beautiful!
@Johanna-Kim thank you!
@chrisaakins This turned out great Chris!
@Asyas_illos The atmosphere and movement is so good in this one. I love it! -
@Jeremiahbrown haha nice! I like how you left it up to line work! And thank you for the compliment
I was hesitant to pretty much cover my characters but I too love how it turned out.
@Jeremiahbrown Extraordinary!
@Johanna-Kim Wrong place for my WIP, Thanks Johanna.
@Jeremiahbrown Really nice work, like your perspective and painting style.
@Asyas_illos A great storm image. I misunderstood your meaning about your plane, I thought you meant you would anthropomorphise that!
Storm rescue! I'd originally just wanted to create a picture with these little leafy creatures enjoying a fun ride on the wind. But to make more of a story I added a bit of drama with a squirrel hot air ballooner needing rescuing from the storm, while keeping these fun loving little leaves as the rescuers' helpers.
@Asyas_illos I'm in love!!!!
@frankiiij thank you and im glad you seized the moment with my wrong vision of your rough sketch lol it came out great!
@chrisaakins I love the mood you set in this one