URGENT: submission help
@Griffin I think the critique arena lets you upload a file up to 1 mb
@Griffin I also had this worry I just went to my original tiff file and when I saved the tiff file as a jpeg i saved it high but not too high, i experimented a couple of time.
@PenAndrew I couldn’t make the file size budge. I brought the dpi down to 10 just to see what would happen and it remained the same so I think I might actually have an issue with procreate.
There seems to be a discrepancy here so I’m just going with the 1MB maximum.
@Griffin yes if it uploads don' worry, Austin will contact you to change it if necessary and its within the deadline, like I had to change my size a little.
@Griffin did you check your layers? Too many possibly? Can you copy the canvas and paste it to a different smaller size? Good luck!
@Griffin what program do you use? Photoshop? procreate?
If you have layers, do a copy canvas and move it onto a new canvas. It’ll greatly reduce the size of the file without reducing the quality
@Griffin I had the same issue with Procreate. 900kB was the smallest it would go and I alreDy lost some of my edges. I ended up submitting the 900kB file and the system let me do it so I guess it's ok. The portal said max 1MB and ours are still below...
@Griffin If its 1200 at 72 dpi it should be good. did you save it as a jpg?
@Asyas_illos I didn’t try copying and pasting. I just read pled the canvas to make it a smaller size which I think is essentially doing the same thing. Layer’s are all flattened.
@AngelinaKizz I didn’t try that exactly, only resampling the canvas to make it smaller. I’ll give this a shot, thanks!
@Griffin were you able to figure it out and get it submitted?
@Griffin I prefer the route of copy canvas, since I find I don't lose any quality by resampling the canvas.
@AngelinaKizz same here then you still have the original at least with nice quality, when I move canvas it gets pixelated when I try I zoom in too much.
@Asyas_illos exactly! I like to have the original that I can keep reworking.
Side note, if you're using procreate, I've made myself a 1200x1200 canvas and named it svs template. When I copy and drop my working canvas into the template it automatically fits it to one side bring 1200. Then I just crop my canvas.
@AngelinaKizz ooooh smart thinking. I’ll do the same