Personal projects feedback please:|
@Asyas_illos the action sequence could be a really interesting concept, and super challenging too.
@Asyas_illos Wow, Asya, you have really hit your stride, cranking out stylistically consistent and charming pieces. Super cute stuff!
@Valerie-Light thanks Valerie it’s been a long time in the making but I feel like I’ve made a breakthrough lately
@Asyas_illos man i get it. I think I'm in the middle of one myself!
@Valerie-Light You’ve definitely come far! I think the first one of yours I remember was the yeti house, and you’ve really nailed down your style since then. Cheers to artistic growth!
Here’s some progress on this one. Does it feel good compositionally? Color?
@Asyas_illos For the “Alice falling down the rabbit hole” colors, will you be adding more light later on some of the objects? It would definitely help bring some stuff to the foreground adding depth. Other than that I think the colors look great.
@kayleenartlover yes light I will do last
@Asyas_illos I'm not sure I'm on board with how you've cropped the top Alice. I wonder if you could make the piece even taller and narrower, and add blank space to the right or to the left, as an opportunity to show an art director that you can design with text in mind?
@Valerie-Light thanks yes you’re right about that, I scaled her down to fit inside
Moved some things around and changed it up a little I’m still working on the hair lol need to add bangs and headband
@Asyas_illos I love the balance of larger shapes with little details. And the tumbling movement.
@Asyas_illos Nice textures in the Alice background — the linear pattern helps with the falling effect.
I'd like to see her apron lifting up / flying away from the skirt of her dress in at least one pose (at least a corner pulling up or something). And maybe some apron strings / bow streaming behind her.
Also, Alice is tumbling, but the objects are only tilted. Could you put one of the tea cups on its side? Maybe have a slice of cake that has come loose and floating / falling above the cake where it came out of it? I miss the chair from the earlier version (but I agree with the comment about antique styles).
The overall style is adorable & I like the colors. That cake is so cute!
@Miriam thanks for the critique, I’ve done some work since my last visit and antiqued a few things like the lamp and teapot.
Working on Alice’s hair face and gesture now
@Asyas_illos I'm really loving the motion in this Asya! One thing I might suggest would be to play with the sizing of the objects a bit more. Right now they are all reading as sort of the same size with the exception of the lamp... I might ask yourself which of these objects is particularly important in conveying what you're trying to say at this point in the story and then perhaps size that up and draw emphasis to it with light or contrast in color.
The piece has great potential, but I do feel like the objects are making it a bit busy and I'm not really sure which one to look at first and why or which of them are important. Hope this helps! Great job with the poses of her falling and seeming confused - that reads well even without the expressions, so that's really well done!
@Kristen-Lango thanks for the feedback! Once I finish everything I plan on going over with lighting and shadows some things will fade back and others forward. Hopefully it will appear less busy then!
Here’s where I am at currently, just a few things left then I can start on lighting!
@Asyas_illos This is really great! The additional character poses really create the passage of time along with the actual passage down through the hole. And I love the rabbit wall art, little touches of the world she's entering with the world she's left.
@Heather-Boyd thank you! That was beautifully put
@Asyas_illos I also love how she's catching a cup of tea, that is a funny moment
@Asyas_illos this is adorable! I love it!