Girl and Light WIP
I want to feel like I'm on the right track lighting this girls face, but I think I'm too close to it. Are the flesh tones believable? Or they need more contrast? Something to keep in mind is that so far I've only painted the background, and her eyes, face, and ear. Everything else is just color reference on a separate layer. Thanks in advance!
Nice job - I feel like with such a direct light source, the values would be much more pushed... meaning the lights would be lighter and the darks would be darker. Of course it matters what type of emotion or message you are going for with the piece—but yes, deffinetly use more contrast to make the piece more powerful (and realistic).
@andrewcolinbeck Sweet. Thanks!
I would push the contrast and focus on cleaning up the edges. The colors in this piece seem to bleed together and separating them out will help pull the piece together.
@laurencrest Right on. Thanks
@Jordan-Peterson I've been messing with skin tone and lighting a lot lately so I thought I'd offer up a little paint over. Hope it helps!
The cheeks, the nose and the top of the ears would catch a bunch of light. the nose would catch the most... it is really coming along...
@natiwata It's not plagiarism if I steal your it??? haha That looks awesome!
@Russ-Van-Dine Excellent! I'll keep plugging away
I think Nat is offering some great suggestions. I did a paint over on top of his paint over. Something about the eyes wasn't sitting right with me. Don't forget that even in stylized work, there is still form and all of the image must conform to the rules you set up. In this case, it's stylized realism kinda like a pixar movie, etc. So just use the regular rules of light and form and it should be pretty easy. Check out Ty's hair video if you can. Your hair here is a bit stringy and needs some flow. Covering the ear would probably help too.
Hope this helps some. : )
I like the warmth added here... it takes the story a different route maybe... the white seems cold and attacking,t he yellow seems like the surprise is for a good thing...
I want to thank everybody again for spending time on this thing to help me out. I've learned a lot from your comments/paint-overs. As I mentioned above, I hadn't yet painted the hair or anything else besides the face with the first go around, but figured I'd post the latest milestone as I'm nearing the finish line.