Trying a bit of color...been a while
@Sarah-LuAnn @mattramsey Thank you both!!
Did you just add a color layer over your grayscale? I found that if I do that my colors always seemed so dark/dirty. So now I add a hue/saturation layer with the saturation at 0%. Then I can turn it off and on to check values.
Looking good Kevin. Just wondering if you've watched the digital painting video with Kevin Keele demo. He talks about using gradient map to turn your black and white image into a three color painting, then adding the color layer on top of that. It seems to work really well I tried it myself on a black and white image and it worked pretty good. Will Terry does something similar in his image as well tinting the black and white image towards a warm color before adding the base colors in a multiply layer over the top.
@Chip-Valecek Hey Chip - her face is a "normal layer" painted directly onto the drawing - tried to keep it to one layer (in Procreate) - did not really paint the hair yet though...does she look dark/dirty to you? i've been trying to work on what i feel are my greatest weaknesses - faces and value are for sure on my list but color is definitely at the top so i need to get to work on it
@evilrobot Hey William - funny... i'm looking all over the internet trying to figure out where to find the Kevin Keele video and it turns out i own it
Wow ...that was a while ago ... - i really had no idea what anyone was talking about back then (2013?) i bet some of it might sink now if i go back and re-watch the older videos. Thanks for the heads up!
This looks really good, not "bland" at all! I think there are a thousand ways to add color to a B&W layer in Photoshop - I personally prefer painting directly on top as well, but I always feel like experimenting....
@smceccarelli Thank you Simona! I think by bland I meant there is nothing really exciting going on - I tried to stay away from dramatic or theatrical lighting and just try to make believable color choices - I really appreciate getting your opinion!
@Kevin-Longueil Nope not dark/dirty at all, that is why I was asking. I can never get it to look right.
Kevin this is looking really good, huge improvement! The skin color choices are spot on, really nice variations.
@Chip-Valecek Hey Chip.. i'm not very knowledgeable about layers but i think i remember in Jim Madsen video (which is awesome) that he mentions using an "overlay " layer sometimes to preserve the lighter tones in the painting when adding color and or texture.... i could be way off but maybe give it a try if you have not yet... i just did a little experiment myself and it does not seem as murky as the color layer in the darker tones.
@natiwata Thank you Nat!