Lost Ghost
After watching 'Painting Color and Light' videos, I went on to do this piece. The story I'm trying to tell, is about a ghost who got lost and met with friendly fishes. What can or should I do to improve? Thank you!!
I like the feel of the piece. She looks a bit solid for a ghost, maybe if we could see some of the background through her? i think your colors and light are really nice.
@Rebecca-Hirsch Great point on the ghost being too solid. I should have created the ghost on another layer so I could edit it easily. Thank you!
@tashaong This is a very nice piece and i really like your story! Did a quick cut and paste to see if i could have a go at making her appear more ghost like - i lifter her out of the picture and painted the light from the fish hitting the rocks behind her and added her back in and erased with a low opacity eraser until i thought she looked transparent - i think it worked - just an idea - i'm sure there are many ways to do this
@Kevin-Longueil Oh wow! Thank you so much! Did you use lasso tool to cut the ghost out? I find it very hard to control. Sorry, I'm not very good with Photoshop. Any tips? Thanks again.
@tashaong I find the lasso tool a bit uncooperative too
I use procreate on the iPad - the procreate lasso tool equivalent is much more intuitive than photoshop's for me - i did use the desaturation sponge in photoshop though to desaturate everything but the focal area a bit - really nice piece you have going!
@Kevin-Longueil Thank you so much for your time! :)) There's so much to learn from you.
I keep being drawn over to the yellow light on the one fish. Maybe dull it or change the color. It might help keep the eye on the ghost.
@Chip-Valecek Good point! Thank you!