As we enter into 2018, I'd like to establish a strong daily habit of creating. In the beginning, this will mostly be rough sketches, but as I develop my habit, I'm hoping it will lead to deeper and more robust work as I find my personal style and voice.
Rob Gale's Sketchbook
@robgale interesting ! I like the first one for it's simple graphic style. This one is my favorite though!
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen Thanks for the comment! I'm really enjoying playing around, it's always interesting to see what people respond to.
I've been been working just in black and white more recently to just try to focus on values and composition. Heavily inspired these days by the sketches of Ian McQue, though I'm nowhere near what he's able to do, I've learned a lot by having his work as reference as I do these quick sketches throughout the day.
I love your graphic style! I want to practice more in that style too. This is really nice, I especially like the texture in the foreground.
I wish there was a way to make the character "pop" more against background, so I would probably play with the values a bit. Maybe there could be more atmospheric mood too? Like stormy clouds, or strong winds, something along those lines?
Either way, great job!
@lady-chamomile Thanks for the feedback! I totally see what you mean about the character not popping... he kind of fades in to the background. It's so easy to get caught up on the details and lose sight of these kinds of things! I really like your comment as well about adding more atmospheric effects like strong winds or stormy clouds. It would tell more of a story, I find that I often tend to veer toward the static and can definitely push the drama more.
Thanks again!
@robgale I love this. I like how the shape of the trees is mirrored in her/his pack. Was that intentional? If not you have good instincts.
@chrisaakins The mirroring wasn't specifically intentional / conscious thought, but I do try and keep a sense of gesture and elements flowing together. Thanks for pointing that out!
You make me want to paint rocks now! Loving the work in your sketch book. Thanks for sharing.
@tessaw Thanks! I'm starting to get obsessed with rocks, sometimes I am amazed at how much art can lead you to fall in love with such seemingly banal things.
@robgale This is cool. Love the brush strokes!
@eli Thanks!