Where Are You From?
Los Angeles California, and currently trying to get out of this state
York Pennsylvania, the map is such a great idea
I'm from Ireland but living in Fukushima, Japan at present. I just joined the Forum, looking forward to getting involved in the discussions.
Cape Town, South Africa.
Michigan - southwest corner of the "mitten".
I grew up in Ljubljana, Slovenia - that's one of the countries in ex-Yugosloavia, and it looks like a chicken if you look on the map
But for a while now I live in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Hertfordshire, UK (Just north of London)
The map is so cool! I am from San Diego, CA and I love it here
@nasvikdraws Iām in Brooklyn!
Living in a small Japanese city. Who's free to meet up....?
Aberdeen, Scotland
I would love to do a mail art exchange sorta thing. We have people from all over!
@gary-wilkinson where?? I'm in Edogawa-ku area ...Tokyo
Oh hey! Cool! Atl Ga over here.
@gary-wilkinson @jano I would really like to visit japan some day.
@aaimiller this sounds really fun
Denver, Colorado
Boise, Idaho. Very fun reading where everyone lives.
Currently have my tiny house parked near Bowling Green, KY
Belgrade, Serbia