Where Are You From?
Currently have my tiny house parked near Bowling Green, KY
Belgrade, Serbia
El Paso, Texas
Austin, Texas - (North, Cedar Park more specifically). Was also listening to the Networking episode @Buddy-Skelton and realized I hadn't visited the forum at all.
Hello all!!
BTW, if anyone is around the area, say howdy!
@jason-kilthau wewt. Born and raised in Bend.
@jano I'm quite a bit further south in Takamatsu (the land of udon)
I'm all the way down the bottom in New Zealand.
Minnesota. If anyone is in the area or plans to visit, would love to have a sketch meetup!
@swordofodin It's a great place to visit, I hope you get the chance someday
@buddy-skelton - ohh I'd love to visit the SVS studio. If I ever get up the nerve to ask them if I can come say hello.
Hey! Did you go to MCAD? I graduated 2010 furniture -
@adc Hey there! I'm from roundabout North Austin, too. I'm just getting started with SVS. Nice to see a local.
@heathermadethat Awesome. Same here regarding starting out with svs. Been brushing up on fundamentals and such, since I took about a decade off from drawing while I have been doing UI design.
@adc Oh wow, I just finished ACC's UX design program and I'm also brushing up on old art skills while UI/UX job hunting. Are you working as a UI designer now?
I'm in Menlo Park, CA!
Wilson, north carolina
central Illinois, usa
Iām in Philly Suburbs!!
@kaitlinmakes Hi there!!! Small world~!? I did go to MCAD! I graduated 2013 in Animation. I actually came in fall of 2010. I think I might have just missed you. I saw your animal illustrations on your instagram. Awesome work.
Wisconsin, USA (up der north, you betcha)