SVS does Inktober 2018
@aska me too... darn @jakeparker for doing first cruel and then messes up my story board so badly
@aska we can so do this. Just take a look at your progress! We rock.
@jade-v I really like the puppy in exhausted
Great to see everyone's work! Keep at it. The Inktober goal of creating something/ practicing something every day is definitely time well spent!
@davidhohn thanks for the encouragement!
@robgale Thanks Rob. I did have a moment to watch a YouTube video. I'm certainly more of a round cute character than those prickly ones, being an artist. Lol. That was a really cool comment. I love learning new stuff and different ideas so thanks so much for that!
@davidhohn thanks David! (Sorry for the accidental downvote, my fingers are too thick for the buttons on my phone I think
@sas yay! You are also doing very well my friend;) From now on we are an inktober support club;) anyone wants in?;)