Hello Everyone...
I just realized that I have not introduced myself yet! My name is Erin and I began SVS Learn a few weeks ago to help me on my path toward a new career as an Author and Illustrator.
I have been passionate about art and literature for as long as I can remember, and have dabbled in painting, illustration, animation, and many types of storytelling from poetry to non-fiction. I have worked for many years as a Graphic Designer and Web Developer, and as much as I have enjoyed it, I am at a point in my life where I want to pursue my true passions.
I am hoping to have a portfolio completed within the next year or so, as well as complete two children's books I have in the works. I set unrealistic deadlines to keep me on my toes
I am really looking forward to meeting all of you, and learning about your journeys!
Hi Erin, welcome to the forums
Hey Erin! I'm new here too, and we have very similar background and goals. I've been a graphic designer for quite a few years and it's definitely just not fulfilling anymore. It's been a great experience, and I don't think I'd be professionally ready to pursue illustration without that behind me, but I don't enjoy the corporate/marketing side of it, and it's not doing any favors for my portfolio.
I also want to take this year to really kick my illustration portfolio into gear, and I'm working on a children's book as a personal project to get the feel of illustrating someone else's story concepts and creating a layout dummy.
It's really cool that you write your own stories too! I always feel like I'm not creative enough to write, but maybe I can try to do some exercises to flex that some.
What are you hoping to improve with courses here?
@cgordon Wow, we really do have a lot in common! I just couldn't do corporate anymore either. I do feel like it is a great base to start with, especially when it comes to marketing myself, but I feel like I have a long way to go to be where I want to be with Illustration.
With the courses here I am hoping to get better with composition and tap into my creativity - I feel like I have lost my creativity over my years in graphic design rather than gained it. I would like to improve on everything though.
It'a great to meet another writer as well, I hope you will share some of your work on the forum! The one thing I can say about writing is that it follows a similar approach to improving an illustration...refine, refine, refine. I rewrote one of my books three times (I am a better editor than writer at the moment), and now I am back at the outline stage. The good news is that my writing and idea improved immensely, and I finally have something I am really excited to finish. Just keep pushing your ideas!
@inkandspatter Lol are you meee? Seriously the first course I did here was Will & Jake's Composition class. I feel like that's the number one thing I never really learned in school. I feel good about my technical skills, but it's putting it all together on a page to tell a story that I'm not confident.
My goal right now is to just pump out a ton of thumbnails, I think that will be a big help with refining that composition skill. I've been gathering other illustrators' art that I think has really nice composition and tracing over them at thumbnail size, separating foreground, middle ground, & background.
Well good luck with everything! The more research I do, the more graphic-designers-turned-illustrators I see, so that's a little confidence boost that it's not too late to make that change. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
@inkandspatter welcome to the forums. I am also a web designer/developer. Worked in the industry for 18 years now. It pays the bills and provides benefits for the family. I sometimes wish I could let it go and follow my dreams but that path has lead to a great paying job and job security. So I just continue to art at night for fun and a hobby.