Hi there! :) I’m Saskia
Last year I found out about the SVS Forum and courses through the 3 point perspective podcast which I’m always listening to at work. I’m from Germany and I moved to Iceland 2016 because of my boyfriend and my current job was never supposed to be something I will do forever. I make jewellery and take pictures - it might sound interesting, but there is not much room for my creativity and it can feel very frustrating. Especially when I’m listening to the podcast and it just prickles in my fingers to draw something. I keep an idea book with me and try to realise as much as I can at home after work.
I guess as long as I’m in Iceland my chances to make a living as an Illustrator are very little since the costs of living are just ridiculous high here. But I hope things work out and we will move back to Germany soon and until then I want to improve and prepare as much as I can to have best chances for my pursued careerI look forward to get active here in the forum and also to give something back. I constantly send my family and friends my drawings and want them to critique...but honestly, I think they might start to get a little annoyed by it
Talk to you later
Welcome to the forums! Always nice to have more people around here giving critiques
Hope to see some of your art soon!
Hey Saskia, hello and welcome
Welcome Saskia!
@saciia_ welcome to the forums!
Welcome Saskia!
welcome! I like your focus and medium/long-term goal. Good luck!
Welcome Saskia, I just visited your Instagram and love your style :). I hope you're able to devote more time to drawing in the future, I think it will be well worth it since your drawings are beautiful!
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Hi there and welcome! Fun to have another Saskia on the forum
Your art is so adorable! It must be amazing to live in Iceland. The nature is so different and breathtaking.
Can't wait to see more of your art.
Welcome! I'm a newbie here myself, but I'm already in love with this website.
Hi Saclia, Hello from the Uk looking forward to seeing your art, you have a very coo style.
@saciia_ hi and welcome from new york! This sounds like a great plan, as you can tell the people on this forum are very supportive and helpful. And many of them are sharing similar feelings as you so you’re in the right place.
Also i visited iceland for a week, you must be good at drawing sheep by now
I only made a few orders, and each was completed by a certain writer. Well, I can say that all of them are knowledgeable
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around the forums
I just saw this was from 4years ago, but welcome anyway?