I finished my book!!
@NessIllustration that’s awesome! How wonderful to have had your first impressions on your publishers be so positive! I’m excited for you to get that next project under way.
I’m not anywhere near published, but I know SVS is truly a gem. It has been invaluable to me in getting this far and encouraging me to chase my dream and work for it.
Two cheers for a job done well and getting your first book “in the books”!
@NessIllustration You deserve a big fat break! Did you get decent pay from doing the book?
@NessIllustration wow! exceptional layers of magical pandaness. Top drawer.
Congrats @NessIllustration! Looks amazing! Vivid, clear and inviting!
Amazing Vanessa! Congratulations
Really lovely work! Congrats on getting the work and getting it done so fast!
@NessIllustration so Happy for you Ness! The illustrations are really pretty!!
Congrats, the book look awesome. I love how your illustrations turned out. Your use of colour is perfect. I'm not surprised the publishers loved it and want you to do more work.
Oh and fair play for getting it done in such a short timeframe, that's fantastic!
Coooool!!!!! Beautiful
Really happy for you
@AnnaDaviscourt Hahaha not really
That's why I had to take so many other contracts on the side to pay the bills while also working full time on the book! It was shitty, but my first book so I was willing to put up with it haha
Thank you so much everyone! I woke up to all these messages and feel swept up in your kind words! Makes me want to jump right in the next project hihi!
@NessIllustration this is so lovely and colorful!
@NessIllustration make sure you let us know how to get it! It turned out beautifully.
@NessIllustration congrats! I bet it feels good to have it done and something to be proud of especially since it will bring in more work for you.
Congratulations!!! Looks AWESOME! And I'm so impressed you did it all in 3 months. That's crazy fast.
congratulations. your work is really beautiful!
@NessIllustration Congratulations! These look really great! - please let us know where we can purchase it when it is ready
Congratulations!! Great job!
@NessIllustration it’s so pretty! Congratulations!!