Absolutely gorgeous! I love it.
@Aleksey Thank you!
@lefrog Wonderful! Love the painterly style and the concept is spot on.
@carriecopadraws I think it's worthy. This is looking really good. I like the look of the loose color over the line. Great composition character design and lighting. Keep going!
@lisanganart I love this one!
@carriecopadraws that is sooooo cool!
@Lee-White all images are super cute and the ideas are great. I don't know how you decide the winners every month.
@Heather-Boyd Thank you!
@suenaumi thank you so much!
@suenaumi Awe, Thanks!
Thanks @Johanna-Kim
@bnewman Thanks bnewman, You've made my day
@dafoota Very nice drawing, especially the face in the foreground.
@suenaumi oh wow thank you so much!
@carriecopadraws Bull in a china shop....brilliant! I love it.
@Johanna-Kim thank you so much!
@Braden-Hallett Great piece!
@Syd-Lee This is just beautiful. A really intimate illustration.
Reading this text is the MOMENT BEFORE you click the link to view all the submissions in the slide show! http://cshellmedia.com/clients/svs/
@Amber-Lynn-Benton thank you! It's supposed to be a layered moment before, like two discoveries are about to happen, hopefully :).