@carriecopadraws I think it's worthy. This is looking really good. I like the look of the loose color over the line. Great composition character design and lighting. Keep going!
@lisanganart I love this one!
@carriecopadraws that is sooooo cool!
@Lee-White all images are super cute and the ideas are great. I don't know how you decide the winners every month.
@Heather-Boyd Thank you!
@suenaumi thank you so much!
@suenaumi Awe, Thanks!
Thanks @Johanna-Kim
@bnewman Thanks bnewman, You've made my day
@dafoota Very nice drawing, especially the face in the foreground.
@suenaumi oh wow thank you so much!
@carriecopadraws Bull in a china shop....brilliant! I love it.
@Johanna-Kim thank you so much!
@Braden-Hallett Great piece!
@Syd-Lee This is just beautiful. A really intimate illustration.
Reading this text is the MOMENT BEFORE you click the link to view all the submissions in the slide show! http://cshellmedia.com/clients/svs/
@Amber-Lynn-Benton thank you! It's supposed to be a layered moment before, like two discoveries are about to happen, hopefully :).
@Adrian-K love your technique!
This is my first contest here...how do we know who won?
@ewatkins09 Lee will make a post in the forums announcing the winner. He said they would try to get them done by the 3rd in future contests, but I'm not sure if that starts this month, or next.