@suenaumi Awe, Thanks!
Thanks @Johanna-Kim
@bnewman Thanks bnewman, You've made my day
@dafoota Very nice drawing, especially the face in the foreground.
@suenaumi oh wow thank you so much!
@carriecopadraws Bull in a china shop....brilliant! I love it.
@Johanna-Kim thank you so much!
@Braden-Hallett Great piece!
@Syd-Lee This is just beautiful. A really intimate illustration.
Reading this text is the MOMENT BEFORE you click the link to view all the submissions in the slide show! http://cshellmedia.com/clients/svs/
@Amber-Lynn-Benton thank you! It's supposed to be a layered moment before, like two discoveries are about to happen, hopefully :).
@Adrian-K love your technique!
This is my first contest here...how do we know who won?
@ewatkins09 Lee will make a post in the forums announcing the winner. He said they would try to get them done by the 3rd in future contests, but I'm not sure if that starts this month, or next.
@Annemieke Thanks!
@Squirrelsize I love everything about this. You capture it all here, from the plumped pillows to the pill bottles, the head-wrap, the family photo and the heartbreaking embrace of a mother & daughter who are sharing one of life’s most intimate moments...the mom’s longing to comfort despite her weariness, the daughter’s assuring “I love you, Mom”(perhaps unspoken, but heard), bravely facing the uncertainty of these final moments and the grief that follows. The color, sheerness and movement of the curtains seem to promise a peaceful passage to something/some place light and free from the heaviness of this moment. This is very beautiful. I think your Mother would be so proud of the way you captured “the moment before”. I am so sorry for the loss you suffered, especially at such a tender age.
@KathrynAdebayo I laughed out loud! Seriously, I need an alarm/coffee setup like this. The bunny’s state of repose just cracks me up. you’ve done a great job incorporating the details of the Rube Goldberg environment while keeping the focus on the rabbit-in-REM-mode. So much fun—that’s where I want to sleep!
@jennymwine @jennymwine I keep coming back to admire this! Beautiful color palette.
@BichonBistro @Johanna-Kim @Kerisa @nyrrylcadiz thank you for the kind words