suggested art books
I third "Art and Fear".
"Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" might be worth taking a look at. It does tend to stray to a bit toward mysticism sometimes and is not really research based, so it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I find that the way she frames things a fun way of looking at creativity. She's a writer, so many things are related to writing, but I find the concepts crossover well to visual art. Overall I find it encouraging, and helps lighten the mental stresses that come along with being an artist.
@Laurasketches Awesome thanks!!!!
@lmrush 4th for Art & Fear—it’s dog-eared, highlighted and referenced countless times
I fifth Art and Fear. Seriously. It changed how I looked at everything. It's so spot on.
@lmrush Art & Fear on sale on amazon:
I like a lot of books by writers, I know it's not art per se, but I find that I can learn a lot just about the creative process, and writers, being writers, are better at writing than most artists
I like Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird as well as Big Magic to get myself out of a funk.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is good for a kick in the pants. -
@BichonBistro Awesome!!! Thanks!!!
I wanted to suggest one more book (and its on amazon audible)'s "The Power of CREATIVITY" by Bryan Collins. It really helped me get my studio together, my art organized and my daily routine of working on it.
Thanks so much everyone!
Art Inc by Lisa Congdon is fantastic. I've literally only just started it but I'm already hooked.