SLOWVEMBER is coming!!!
One more day of cranking out your beautiful inktober pieces! Then a little rest and we are on to the next challenge. SLOVEMBER IS COMING!! I'll have a video out talking about it that will be posted on Nov. 1st or 2nd.
But basically the idea is that Inktober is a fast frenzy where you are trying out all sorts of stuff. New subject matter. New techniques, etc. Slowvember is a natural follow up to that. It's where we slow down and all I ask for is ONE piece for the entire month. Easy Peasy right?!
Not so fast. That last 20% of an image can be a real killer. Doing quick work like Inktober is awesome because you get so many pieces out of it. But the one draw back is that nagging little excuse "well, I did it in a day" so it sort of lets you off the hook in terms of subject matter and quality. It's not a finished piece and it's not meant to be. But Slowvember IS about actually finishing a piece. Hopefully a portfolio piece. It's about really swinging hard. Make that painting you have been thinking about for so long.
You can do it! It's meant as a learning experience, so don't put too much pressure on yourself. The video will be out soon, so I'll explain how to handle some of the hurdles that come with it. : )
I'm super stoked for this. Just having trouble nailing down which percolating idea to take on, I want to do them all lol. That's part of my problem I think, jumping all over the place so this should be good. Looking forward to the video and will try to take that advice to not put too much pressure on myself
I didn't know you'd be doing a video about it but makes sense seeing as it's your baby so to speak. This is a nice surpriseThanks!
@Lee-White i do have an idea thats been floating around my head.. maybe ill try it if i have the time this month
Love the concept.
I have a coupe pieces from inktober I would love to develop further, making them to full color image( using water color or colored ink piece). I will pick one to start working for Slowvember.
@Lee-White, looking forward see the youtube video. -
@Lee-White sweeeet
@xin-li What a great idea to use one of your Inktober drawings for Slowvember! Ever since I first heard about Slowvember on the podcast months ago, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to find a piece I’d like to work on for the month. Unfortunately, creativity doesn’t work that way for me. But like your idea about Inktober. I participated in Inktober for 3 years now so I’ll dig into my archives and see if anything sparks up.