Just wanted to check in on everyone and see how it's going. Week 3 is really the hard one as you get into the real painting and things become tricky. Hang in there, next week is easier. Don't be afraid to start over if things go south.
My current painting WAS going well. Now it's a mess. It's ok. Even if it's a disaster, I'll just paint it again. No big deal. : )
I like your attitude! I am behind because I have been out of town a lot, and so I did more thumbnails today. I'm not entirely sure I'm on the right track, but I wanted to explore a number of landscape/townscape scenarios, and so I did. The perhaps-not-on-the-right-track part is that I'm not sure the thumbnails emphasize my keyword wonder, because if the figures are too small the feeling is less intimate. (Or maybe "intimate" is another keyword?) I find that when I zoom in on them they do a bit better, but then I'm not sure where the landscape/townscape part fits in. Integrating the figure into the environment is the hardest part for me at this stage of my learning.
Thanks for checking in!
@LauraA time to pick a direction and get moving on it. By the end of this week the painting should be well underway.
Here's a few close ups of my painting now so you can see the texture. SHould be done by Friday I think.
love painting like this. This one is big!
@Lee-White said in SLOWVEMBER IS HERE!!:
Just wanted to check in on everyone and see how it's going
No hurdles so far (which means there's a major hurdle down the road somewhere) but I am cautiously optimistic
@Lee-White I ran out of Arches so I'm waiting on a delivery!
oh well, i'll go do more thumbnails
@Lee-White You're right, of course! Sometime today I will move on. I wanted to linger a while because I think my problem is often at the beginning or the very end.
Update: Thumbnail shortlist posted in WIP thread!