Slowvember is over!
Just wanted to personally "thank you" for Slowvember! It REALLY worked for me....I actually have a plan outlined and a number of thumbnails started and then the value and color study....and best of all, I am working on my finishing 2 of my portfolio pieces (of which I am proud of!) Using your method with the six steps of making art has made all the difference and I cant thank you enough!
I completely agree with what everyone is saying. It was really fun and challenging to be able to hone in on one piece. I found myself daydreaming thumbnails and playing around with so many more ideas within my initial concept than I thought were possible. It certainly highlighted some growth areas for me- but it was good to get a piece out there, as @Lee-White and @LauraA said, that was the best I could do right now. I think sometimes when we don't push ourselves to do that, we are either better or worse in our heads than in actuality. It was really helpful to get a pulse on reality. Thanks a lot for this one.
Cheers Cleancember?
I really took the time in Slowvember to thumbnail and then thumbnail & then thumbnail some more! It really helped me understand the value of the process. I realized that my first attempts (or 10) aren’t generally going to be the best options! so thanks for the challenge!
Thanks Lee! I definitely struggled with the extra time allows for extra doubt, but it felt good to not rush the process and to put back in the time for development. It was a great reminder of the importance of those early steps.
@alicia agreed!
The 4 thumbs I picked to sketch were 20, 22, 37, & 40. My final started as thumb 22!
Well worth the effort though. You don't get really creative until you have to push the boundaries!
Kind of like @Will-Terry and his Inktober drawings (like he said on 3-point Perspective).
@Lee-White thank you! I made it through Slowvember this year and I’m so glad I did it. I learned a lot. Now for that studio clean up...
@Lee-White Thank you for the challenge. I definitely grew because of it
Woo! So many wonderful slowvember pieces. Every one with their own flavor and subject. Was a pleasure to watch it all come together.
I participated, but last minute... Though I did do thumbnailing, which I've avoided in the past. I've always been the type to dive right into a drawing and finish whatever comes out first.
Your thumbnailing tips have really helped me break through my art block, and have also helped me to relax about coming up with a good idea, as well as pushing to get the best version of that idea.
I don't know why, but I was embarrassed to do loose sketching in the past. Now I realize that midset just held me back.
Thank you for the advice and everything you do!
@Lee-White Great exercise, I defo got a decent piece for my portfolio. Unfortunately I was a bit too slow. Finished the painting but the black ink was too glossy to photograph it. I'm getting a polariser this week to add to the lights so I can get a better shot of it.
Thanks Lee for the inspiration, here is my late slowvember watercolor image, still not quite done, but I wanted to share. As you know I have always struggled with value, so I really wanted to push myself. Also afraid of crowd scenes so I tried to tackle both. Thanks again for being such a great teacher/mentor. All of you at SVS as well~
finished piece-way late for Slowvember, my really slow slowvember….but congrats to all of you who got it in on time!
@lmrush you just embraced the theme a bit more than everyone else
@StudioLooong oh my goodness I just saw your work top 9, on Instagram this morning, I am a huge fan of your work!
@lmrush aww thanks
I feel like ive come a long way this year, its completely different from my top 9 last year!
Thank you @Lee-White and @Will-Terry for the Slowvember video critique! Sorry for the late reply. ( Holidays, etc, busy time.) I really appreciate it!!! Happy Holidays to everyone! -Tom Shannon