Featured Student for January
Heres another chance to get your work featured on the SVSLearn homepage! We have been having so many great submissions that it is really hard to just pick one. If you have posted in the past and not been selected PLEASE consider posting again (even if it is the same images as before). If you have any thoughts or suggestions about this opportunity please feel free to share them as a comment or to send me a message!Instructions:
This post is a place to share work if you want to get a chance to be featured in the Student Art Gallery on the SVSLearn.com homepage for January. To be considered share 1-2 of your best pieces (you can re-share an image you posted previously, but this is also a great opportunity to push yourself and add a new piece to your portfolio) on this forum post. Make sure to share your image by the 5th of January to be considered. Also, make sure your images are at least 800 pixels on the shortest side and do not exceed 1mb in size. If your illustration includes text on it please post a copy with and without the text on it.
Work will be selected based off of how well the work uses the following:Concept: how well does your illustration convey a clear concept/story. Is it a unique approach? Does it make me want to know more about what is happening in the illustration?
Technique: How is the composition working? Does it have good use of lighting, rendering, mark making, etc.? Does the technique compliment the concept?
If you are selected, we will be emailing you using the email indicated on your forum account. Besides your art being displayed on the homepage, you will also be sent some questions for a Q&A blog post that will be shared on the SVSLearn blog.
I can't wait to see what everyone posts this month!
Austin -
If you were selected for the Featured Student: Inktober edition, you can still keep post for chance to be featured. Can't wait to see what everyone submits!
So this is one I just finished. Got my people study in, my shape study in, my value study in and my very new colour study in. What didn’t get in was texture and shadow but for another work. If I manage to get the December contest work done and I like it enough I will attach it here as well, or another. Thanks.
I deleted my last post because i wanted to submit a different piece.
@Aleksey what a snowy day :-). really fun image.
@xin-li thanks
i had a lot of fun making it
@Aleksey I can feel that by looking at the piece
Throwing some editorial-style work out here...
Porch Pirates
Cheatin’ Death -
Tower Rescue
Bearded Tinman -
This was my take on The Secret Garden, with a Korean twist!
"She has that certain je ne sais quoi."