Resources for Postcard Campaigns
I'm preparing for a postcard campaign and am trying to do my research first.
I remember listening to tips about it on a podcast episode but I've been binging them so I can't remember which one it was anymore. Does anyone here know?
Also, is it talked about in any of the courses? I'm trying to figure out basic information like, how many to send out, how to find lists to send them to, what content works best etc.
Any other resources you suggest I read/listen to?
Thank you!
yes, it is on a podcast and I can't remember which one either........I am pretty sure they talked about it in a course on getting an agent. i would guess that maybe it's in the podcast about getting an agent or podcast #10 about networking. Not sure on any of those, just my best guesses!!!! p.s. I love your tips on your instagram
Very helpful!
Oh thank you so much! I just started doing the tips on my Instagram in October, I've been totally astounded by the response it has gotten - and I'm so happy they're hlepful. I'll go check the agents podcast! I did listen to that one, so maybe!
I definitely suggest the SCBWI Book (you have to be a member to access it) and the Children's Writers and Illustrator's Market for both helpful tips and addresses of a lot of publishers. I've only sent out two rounds of cards, but I used both of these resources.
I think the best method is to aim to send postcards 2-4 times per year (or at 3-6 month intervals) and send different cards each time. I'd recommend starting with 50 cards and sending them to all of the ones you want--writing the addresses down in a spreadsheet that details their usual genre and the name of the art director is a good idea too. If you find more later, add them to your list and send more cards the next round.
Good luck!
I just thought of these two websites that I've found super helpful on this topic: - All about submitting postcards. If you go to the "Postcard Post" section, it has interviews with artists who submit postcards as a marketing tactic complete with example postcards that they are using. - This one is an anonymous art director Q&A that is ongoing. Postcard submissions are a topic of many discussions here, definitely peruse this to get an idea of what art directors are looking for.
SCBWI has the book. It's has a full list of publishers There is also the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market Book. It too has full list, just be sure to get the current one for 2020.
This is super helpful thanks!
@Jennyann Thank you! I knew they had a list somewhere, but couldn't find it.
If anyone else is interested, I found that in the Children's Book Illustration course they talk about it in Part 2
@carlianne Here is a another nice article I found that gives lots of good tips:
@Kasey-Snow awesome!! Thank you