JANUARY CONTEST: The tracks in the snow were unlike anything Will had ever seen before.
Honestly don't know how the judges are going to narrow it down this month. So many amazing entries~!
@Neha-Rawat so sweet and magical!
I think this is the hardest piece I have worked on for me. I guess perspective is not my strongest side. Thank you for everyone who has helped out along the way - you guys made my process so much more fun and engaging.
@xin-li This is so lovely! The shadows bring a nice dimension to it.
@Laurel-Aylesworth thank you and thank you for helping out along the way. It really means a lot to me :-).
@xin-li This is amazing!!! I love it!
@xin-li love great concept and I am jealous of your perspective!
@Neha-Rawat I love everything about this! You could market this as a Christmas card too.
This post is deleted! -
@xin-li it's wonderful
Here is mine: traditional watercolor which I then manipulated in Procreate. Someday, I hope to be good enough with watercolor to be able to ditch the digital!
@demotlj Looks great! Out of curiosity, what is it you're feeling like isn't up allowing you to ditch the digital side if that's what you want to do?
@chrisaakins I actually feel scared. Awesome!
@jdubz I'm mostly having difficulty getting the values as dark as I would like and manipulating my brush well enough to get finer details. (And of course, there is the Undo of digital which is great.) Basically, I'm still enough of a novice at watercolor that my patience with it is less than my patience at the iPad. Nevertheless, I like the look of traditional and when it's going well, I like the feel of working with real materials, so I persist!
Good to be back! Here's my submission. A bit gloomy one from what I usually do, fitting for January though I think! Digital. -Todd
calling it done and moving on
@BichonBistro I would not be able to do this without photoshop "transform->distort" tool, especially for the dragon and shadows of kids. I think I redrew that about 10 times.

Snow angels... making tracks in the clouds.. I mean snow...
http://www.instagram.com/misslaurabalmaceda/ -
NIce entries, good luck everyone!