Setting Up A Wordpress Website For Artists - Free Course
@Geoffrey-Gordon Hi there, I currently have a website with Squarespace which I pay for but I really like my website address, do you think this is something I can take with me if I leave them? Thank you!
I use a free wordpress website and it still frustrates me from time to time, so I would benefit from it and would pay a little as I am sure it would be worth it and it help you. And maybe eventually I will get my domain name.
@Rachel-Horne Don't worry, domain transfer is a thing
I am super excited for this class, canβt wait.
@NessIllustration Oh brilliant - thank you
@NessIllustration Thanks for answering this question, perhaps I need to add how to transfer a domain as part of the course too. We are definitely going to need a forum section so learners can ask questions...
@Geoffrey-Gordon I missed this thread when first posted, but I am so excited for this course!
I'm actually considering switching my portfolio from Squarespace over to Wordpress when my annual membership is over (March 2021), so I would also be interested in a domain transfer section.
Thank you for doing this. It will be great to learn from someone with expertise in this area instead of piece-mailing it together from YouTube videos!
@Geoffrey-Gordon i am so interested in this