@Kekkerz86 That's very valid! Astound is a big agency where everything runs smoothly like a machine, I can see how for some people that might not be a good fit. I checked out your agency and it seems to be much more personal and prefers to focus on a small roster of highly talented artists. That seems a lovely system and I'm so happy for you that you found your perfect fit 🙂
I'm personally someone who's more introverted and I like when there are established systems so things run smoothly without me having to reach out to someone every time. Astound has an artist portal where I can see all my jobs and pending payments without having to talk to a soul (I can see how this would be a plus for some, but a minus for others haha!) I like thinking that my agent spends most of her time looking for work for me and her other artists, not on the phone all day talking to potential recruits. As an anxious person, I would have felt bad taking so much of the agent's time, whereas with the third party I felt very comfortable asking as many question as I needed and taking as much of her time as I needed. I also felt more comfortable asking more straight-forward questions about the agency's ethics and functioning and trusted I would get honest answers from someone who isn't within that company themselves. But for someone who values forming a strong one-on-one relationship with a specific agent, I can see how not even getting a phone call with them before signing would be a red flag. And then, at Astound you're assigned a "main" agent but may work with others sometimes. I just got offered a job from a British publisher, so one of the agents in Britain that has a closer relationship with that publisher is the one that will be working with me on this one if we end up signing. I personally prefer that the agent that knows this company best will be the one negotiating on my behalf, but I know many artists don't want to bounce around different agents. @Perrij these are all things to take into consideration. Do you think you would fit better with a bigger, perhaps colder agency, or a smaller more personal one?