Inktober Book Plagerism Accusations
@jdubz said in Inktober Book Plagerism Accusations:
It's more likely the publisher themselves will go after Alphonso than Jake.
That's what I initially thought, too. And who knows, it may happen (a spite suit?) But I think it's more likely that the publisher will ask 'can we even recoup our legal expenses, let alone our losses from the libellous actions'. And I'm willing to bet that they can't.
But yeah I'm on board with the fact that poking the internet beast and pointing it toward Jake was the wrong way to approach the situation. We got to see and compare two very different ways an artist can leverage their audience...
@Nyrryl-Cadiz yeah, I guess we just grew apart in a lot of ways.
In other news, today a lawsuit was just greenlit against Taylor Swift for alleged copyright infringement of lyrics in her song Shake it Off. Plaintiffs allege that her lyrics "players gonna play, play, play, play, play, haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate" is a copy of their old song's lyric "Playas, they gon' play - Haters, they gon' hate". Cause you know, no one could have ever come up with these obvious phrases in isolation from one another.. Eyeroll. Seriously, what has the world come to? Common sense doesn't seem quite as common as it used to be.
at least they go the legal way and its up now to the two parties to present theire case and let a real judge deicde, based on the law given in the country -
This post is deleted! -
@carrieannebrown He did what?
Can anyone start talking about the bright side of it?
Like,...even just make it up.
For example;
Nature will take it's course.
The bad guy will lose.We all agree Jake is a fine human.
If Mr. Dunn did something stupid, he will get what is coming to him.
What do you think will happen?
How will this play out?Let's start using our creative minds, and create something interesting.
And please keep on smiling for Mr.Jake.
@carrieannebrown Dunn posted it here?
@carrieannebrown @NessIllustration @Nyrryl-Cadiz Hi! Someone did post a link to the YT video here, but it wasn't Alphonso. @Lee-White deleted it because it was just the link, with no comment or context. Then Lee created this thread instead
@LisaF @NessIllustration @Nyrryl-Cadiz oh, my mistake. It was deleted when I went back to it but I had the impression it came from Dunn
@carrieannebrown Oh I see! Well if it was just the link, it really could have been from anyone.
@jsnzart I love your optimism, but sometimes people who do rash and hurtful things don't get what's coming to them, and sometimes the person who is in the right does not win. This isn't a perfect world
This might be a situation were both parties end up worse for wear. But it's something that could happen to any of us and I do think it's helpful to discuss it and stay informed of the developments. Discussing it may also be cathartic for some (I know it is for me). Don't worry though I'm still creating through all of this! I don't think any of us here has stopped creating just to respond to this post 24/7... We're all quite capable of creating and discussing at the same time
@LisaF oh!... phew! i was shocked there for a bit
@NessIllustration Thanks.
What I mean is;
Instead of negativity, bring the positive forward.Regards to being creative, I mean;
Use our creative minds to discuss a wonderful ending of this.Make it happen!
Talk about a wonderful ending.
Not just for Jake.How can a wonderful ending affect the whole community?
Nothing is impossible!
It begins with thoughts. And talking about it gives it life.
The opposite is talking about how bad it is.So, cβmon, create a wonderful ending.
@jsnzart that does sound nice but I'd be lying to myself if I were to hope that there will be a happy ending. There's no winners here. There's a lesson to be learned but not everyone will accept it. Some people will still hate Jake, some people will still hate Dunn, Both of their reputations tarnished, and the art community will forever be scarred by this event.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz it reminds me of the Couplet
In flesh by fire inflamed, nature may thoroughly heal the sore;
In soul by tongue inflamed, the ulcer healeth never more -
I think, somehow Jake will show that it was simply a coincidence.
Mr.Dunn will find he has no other options but to accept it.
Mr.Dunn WILL make a public apology. Not just to Jake and his followers, but also to Dunnβs own followers.
Both artists WILL keep their followers and good sales of their awesome books.
People, especially in the community, WILL remember this. And keep an open mind for the future.
@Shyam-Sailus well, that's poetic
@jsnzart It would be wonderful it things worked like this, but we are not directly involved in this situation and cannot directly affect the outcome. No matter how hard we imagine a beautiful ending, it will not make it so. It's in the hands of lawyers now. No matter who wins, the other side may never change their opinion. But I hope we can learn from this so it doesn't happen again.
@NessIllustration I agree.
But, it is better to talk about it with a positive outlook.
Even if we make it up.