Inktober Book Plagerism Accusations
@carrieannebrown @NessIllustration @Nyrryl-Cadiz Hi! Someone did post a link to the YT video here, but it wasn't Alphonso. @Lee-White deleted it because it was just the link, with no comment or context. Then Lee created this thread instead
@LisaF @NessIllustration @Nyrryl-Cadiz oh, my mistake. It was deleted when I went back to it but I had the impression it came from Dunn
@carrieannebrown Oh I see! Well if it was just the link, it really could have been from anyone.
@jsnzart I love your optimism, but sometimes people who do rash and hurtful things don't get what's coming to them, and sometimes the person who is in the right does not win. This isn't a perfect world
This might be a situation were both parties end up worse for wear. But it's something that could happen to any of us and I do think it's helpful to discuss it and stay informed of the developments. Discussing it may also be cathartic for some (I know it is for me). Don't worry though I'm still creating through all of this! I don't think any of us here has stopped creating just to respond to this post 24/7... We're all quite capable of creating and discussing at the same time
@LisaF oh!... phew! i was shocked there for a bit
@NessIllustration Thanks.
What I mean is;
Instead of negativity, bring the positive forward.Regards to being creative, I mean;
Use our creative minds to discuss a wonderful ending of this.Make it happen!
Talk about a wonderful ending.
Not just for Jake.How can a wonderful ending affect the whole community?
Nothing is impossible!
It begins with thoughts. And talking about it gives it life.
The opposite is talking about how bad it is.So, c’mon, create a wonderful ending.
@jsnzart that does sound nice but I'd be lying to myself if I were to hope that there will be a happy ending. There's no winners here. There's a lesson to be learned but not everyone will accept it. Some people will still hate Jake, some people will still hate Dunn, Both of their reputations tarnished, and the art community will forever be scarred by this event.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz it reminds me of the Couplet
In flesh by fire inflamed, nature may thoroughly heal the sore;
In soul by tongue inflamed, the ulcer healeth never more -
I think, somehow Jake will show that it was simply a coincidence.
Mr.Dunn will find he has no other options but to accept it.
Mr.Dunn WILL make a public apology. Not just to Jake and his followers, but also to Dunn’s own followers.
Both artists WILL keep their followers and good sales of their awesome books.
People, especially in the community, WILL remember this. And keep an open mind for the future.
@Shyam-Sailus well, that's poetic
@jsnzart It would be wonderful it things worked like this, but we are not directly involved in this situation and cannot directly affect the outcome. No matter how hard we imagine a beautiful ending, it will not make it so. It's in the hands of lawyers now. No matter who wins, the other side may never change their opinion. But I hope we can learn from this so it doesn't happen again.
@NessIllustration I agree.
But, it is better to talk about it with a positive outlook.
Even if we make it up.
@jsnzart Sometimes things aren't good but it feels like a relief to talk about our hurt, disappointment, fears and frustrations
It's different for everyone, but I know if I try to just pretend everything is puppies and rainbows, it will not help me deal with a frustrating or hard situation. I've been really heartbroken about this story and trying to defend Jake on social media, trying to provide another side to people who have made their minds and are being very mean, has proven disheartening and frustrating. Being able to discuss the situation here with like-minded and level-headed people has been a real blessing, so I really want to thank each and everyone of you!
both parties will come to some sort of agreement and the issue will simply go away.
However, the damage has been done. Jake Parker was dumped on for trademarking and enforcing the trademark after spending years encouraging others to make use of it. Now that he was publishing a book cashing in on it in the eyes of many it will be difficult to recover from the bad publicity.
There are no winners.
I didn’t mean any disrespect to anyone here.
And, yes this situation sucks.
But, Jake has people like you supporting him. That’s awesome!
@jsnzart no worries. We totally understand what you mean
Not that anyone here needs convincing of Jake's character, but I thought I'd just share this as it's a positive.
I responded to Jake's newsletter this week telling him that I back him 100%.
I just received an email from him now thanking me for my kind words. He told me he really appreciated me reaching out.
So despite all the hate and negativity that is being directed at Jake online, and the horrendous week that he must have had, he still took time out to thank me personally. That's Jake Parker.
@jsnzart So true. A mindfulness app I use mentioned how negativity breeds more negativity. Sadness breeds more sadness. Positivity breeds more positivity. I really like how @Matt-Baldwin replied to Jake’s newsletter. Despite all this, he still sent out his newsletter with only a short sentence saying how much of a bad week we had been going through but was still going to share cool things. That’s why Jake has so many fans. Nice breeds nice.
@danielerossi Indeed.
Mr.Jake must be keeping it together pretty well.
Probably drawing and relaxing his mind. -
Just want to add my voice to the many others supporting Jake here. I watched all of Alphonso's video and some of the reaction videos. Like others, I can say I have seen basically this same content in many other art books/tutorials over the year. Alphonso's book seems to be a very detailed dive into the material, though, and well worth a purchase! The "layout" issues seem either accidental or close to Alphonso's own similarities to previous art books. And if Jake really had plagiarized the book, then why would he had spotlighted it on Instagram so close to the announcement of his book? The courses on this site and Jake's YouTube videos are testimony to his teaching cred and knowledge... something you can't fake. It's really disappointing this has happened. I'm hoping for some sort of good resolution, but I guess the damage has already been done.