Day 2, wisp. (Turns out the collective noun for a group of snipe is a wisp )
Inktober 2020 - Week 1
@Norman-Morana the fish is inside the cat right? lols
@Heather-Boyd Thank you!
@Heather-Boyd Thanks a lot! I'm planning on sharing my inktober on instagramm. I will set up my account this weekend and let you know as soon as it's online.
thanks yeah, i agree.. but i have loads of neat ideas i save. i just keep going with sketching. still don't have patience or time to invest properly in drawing. trying to work on my foundation skills first. plus, i don't feel like exploring it so much. good enough for me. but i am glad you liked it ! -
@Heather-Boyd Haha, thats right!
Hi All,
Day 2, Wisp!
After Beto returned the fish to the ocean, he found the wispiest of vines!
Ps. Thank you @Jake-Parker for inspiring me to ink!
I took the prompt in terms of the mythological Will O'-the-Wisp creature, but I wanted to take it a little further, so I figured, "Since Will O'-the-Wisps are known for leading people to their doom, why not have a Grim Reaper guy hold them in a lantern? As if the skeleton is using the wisps to lead people to their doom? (I also kind of based the idea off of the Jack-O-lantern legend listed on Wikipedia)
I think I succeeded well on the shading, but that's where all my attention went. I'm looking at it now going, "How would the skeleton's arm fit in that sleeve?" among other errors. Guess I need to work on my underdrawings more!
@ajillustrates Really like this! Looks like a dreamy animal you could see in a cloud.