Inktober 2020 - Week 2
Day 8 Teeth
Day 8 - Teeth
Day 9: Throw, and a Cyclops
@Leah-Boule Thank you!
day 8-teeth.
Not an ink drawing, but I had a lot of fun painting this watercolour for witchtober!
Can you find all the mice?
Inktober day 8 TEETH
Inktober Day 08!
Got a giant bun here.
Day Eight prompt - Teeth
I originally planned to do a drawing based off a saber toothed tiger or the like, but I couldn't picture anything that seemed "original" (Diego from Ice Age and Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda were stuck in my head). So I went with Option B, focusing on another definition of "teeth," that being the teeth of a gear/cog.
I had fun when I was drawing this; I took my time and actually enjoyed the process (compared to my rather rushed effort on Day Seven). Things can definitely be improved (specifically the wierd perspective/look of the arms), but I'm pleased with this one, overall.
Day 8 and ran out of time. I like my idea but should have played more with the execution. I can cross Teeth of the list but work on it in the future. Idea behind the drawing - It may have been Fantasyland but the people were practical, making use of every bit of any fallen dragon, especially the teeth!
@aska Super job! I love these characters.
@Jonathan-Malski I like how you did the hands! I think they say a lot about the robot's character.
@Doodleworx I really like this guy! What did you use to make him. The different textures are nice.
Geez - so busy I forgot to post these here!
Day 6: Hare Patronus
Day 7: Lucius
Day 8: Greyback
Day 8. Teeth
Teeth! The tooth fairy's job can get pretty dangerous...!
Day 8: Teeth