Inktober 2020 - Week 2
Day 10 - Hope
My brain went straight to "hoping for rain". This happened a lot during the summer as we had another that was more hot and dry than normal. The gardens were often parched. We'd water for an hour and it would quickly disappear deep into the ground. I am totally enjoying everyone's artwork. It is so interesting where everyone's thoughts go when they think of a word.
Day 10-Hope ... and I hope I make it through the month! I love seeing everyone's ideas and how they present them. I am learning that I need to spend more time to find where my strengths lie. I enjoy pencil and watercolor but would like to be able to work out this "ink" thing - be it "ink" ink or digital ink. For Hope, I remembered back to my childhood days.
Hi, @Chris-W I love your sense of humor. Thanks for sharing.
Inktober Day Ten - Hope
During the American Civil War (and other wars of this era) soldiers would look to their flag for order and hope. If the flag fell, moral would be lost and an unorganized retreat and/or defeat would usually follow suit.
Using this premise, I drew some Union soldiers charging at off-page Confederates.
I have mixed feelings about this piece.
I added the color blue, so the viewer would know that all the characters on the page are on the same side, but I don't think the cross-hatch rendering style fits this piece all that well.
I like the flag, but I think the way I represented the grass/upper ground causes a lack of depth in the piece. Perhaps I'll try something more simple for tomorrow.(If you don't know what the bottom left soldier is doing, he is reloading his rifle, an action that took nine steps to complete! Currently, he's tearing off the top of a small bag/pouch with his teeth. That bag contains the gunpowder that would be poured into the rifle barrel, followed by the bullet itself (followed by several other steps))
Inktober Day 10!
Small helicopter or giant cat? -
Day 10. HOPE gave Pandora a few more likes.
Inktober day 10 HOPE
@charitymunoz Shortwave radio! I still listen to mine after all these years.
Day 11: Son of Aragog, or a giant, disgusting spider
@Maureen Thanks, Maureen, that means a lot.
day 11-disgusting. We have a lot of quail near our house and they have become a bit of a favourite critter of mine now.
@Leah-Boulet thanks, and you are correct! In Japanese, that is (I had to look it up,
@danielerossi There's something to be said for the shortwave! My memories are of turning the dial to try and make it sound like R2D2 when we couldn't get any stations in clearly enough. With or without reception, they're still fun!
Finishing out week 2 with
Day 9 “Throw” and Day 10 “Hope”
A little late but here it Day 9 Throw and 10. Hope
This post is deleted! -
Sorry guys, I didn't had the time show my last inktober drawings in the forum. So here we go:
07-Fancy: Olga & changa, dressed to kill
Fanart from one of my favorite boardgames scythe.
08-Teeth: Jawning cats compilation
10-Hope: Land ahead!