Inktober 2020 - Week 2
@Leah-Boulet thanks, and you are correct! In Japanese, that is (I had to look it up,
@danielerossi There's something to be said for the shortwave! My memories are of turning the dial to try and make it sound like R2D2 when we couldn't get any stations in clearly enough. With or without reception, they're still fun!
Finishing out week 2 with
Day 9 “Throw” and Day 10 “Hope”
A little late but here it Day 9 Throw and 10. Hope
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Sorry guys, I didn't had the time show my last inktober drawings in the forum. So here we go:
07-Fancy: Olga & changa, dressed to kill
Fanart from one of my favorite boardgames scythe.
08-Teeth: Jawning cats compilation
10-Hope: Land ahead!
@Chris-W you’re cracking me up haha
you need to turn these into those little day by day calendars that stand up on desks
@marek-halko this image in black and white scared me a bit haha it feels like I’m about to fall down that hole!!
- day 5 BLADE
- day 5 BLADE
@VeronicaMui Thanks! That's not a bad idea. Maybe once I finally nail down a coherent style I'll rework some of these. In any case, I'm glad you like them!
Here are the images I did for week 2. I am super excited to get all of them done and lay them all out at once.