Vignetti Yeti - looking for feedback in progress
@Valerie-Light A, B, or C. I can’t decide.
I think B! I think part of the reason I feel it’s successful for this prompt is because it doesn’t have background information, so the edges of the illustration are really interesting with the white negative spaces coming in.
Either way, these are all so good.
I like B!
Yay, thanks for weighing in, everyone! I am also voting for B, maybe adding in some elements from C. Thanks for the validation! Onward!
I'm narrowing down a composition! Here's another page of roughs. I think that A is the clearest one, but if can use value to control the focus in D, I think it would be great to show as much as I can about who the yeti is and what her world is like. What do you vote?
(side note: this past week or two is the first time I've used a forum like this to share advice on a WIP. I am LOVING all the constructive feedback and advice from this group. Thank you all for being so welcoming
@Valerie-Light I think they would all work well - I do like B the most for some reason...maybe the cleaner silhouette? - if you are going to have the puppy i think i like the position in A and B best
@Valerie-Light I really like both C and D. I gravitate towards D because the puppy is so happy. I also really like the pots and herbs hanging in the background
@Valerie-Light my vote is on A. I love how simple and bare the background is. The Yeti’s silhouette is very clear and just pops right off the page.
I vote A. It feels more like a typical spot illustration and keeps the focus on the characters.
I vote A
@Valerie-Light I vote A as well
I like D the most because of the different values in the picture. However I like how the chimney of the stove makes a natural border in image C. Maybe a mix of C and D would be an option? A stove-border like in C would probably mean that composition wise you’d have to ditch the stool with veg om the lower left though. The moving of the dog towards the right lower corner works quite well and makes more of a connection with the yeti this way.
I’m sticking with A because I think it’s the most ‘spot illustration-y’ :).
I vote for A!
I vote A too
All right, so many of you are encouraging me to do A, and I know that you're right about it being clear and readable and a traditional spot illustration, but something like C looks like so much more fun to me (and maybe a better addition to my portfolio). I decided to try some color roughs on a couple of different composition options.
If you all aren't sick of helping me design this by election, here are 4 variations of how to resolve the environment.
(PS I hope you vote for D) -
A and d are my faves I feel like with the colored background it’s just a little chaotic, great work though!
I agree with @Asyas_illos , A and D.
@Valerie-Light I still like A. I like the silhouette, without the background it is easy to read. And, is most definitely a spot illustration.
@Asyas_illos I agree with @Valerie-Light that A is the one most like a spot illustration. I think it may be a winner, too. I called the last two so you better listen to me.