Yeti WIP cooking spot or not?
@Jeremiahbrown looks really fun. Love the sniffing little yeti. I think your wife is right. The first one looks more like a vignette. The second one is definitely a spot illustration.
This is absolutely superb!! I LOVE the facial expressions... As for spot vs. not spot: Technically I think your wife is correct (although, being a married man myself, you should never let her know that
), but then again, rules are there to be broken. I'm digging the version with the blue background just a wee bit more (for what it's worth). I say, go for it and blue it up!
Hahaha, I love the "bit of cute"! I agree with @Casual-T, there's something really nice about the blue background. Maybe if you fade it out with a gradient or something on the top right, so it's not such a strong division between the background space. I think the key is having the image break open into the surrounding page. Really awesome piece!!!
The second is definitely a spot. Your illustration is great with or without the blue.
Thank you everyone! @Tiffany-Thomas I'm definitely going to try your idea of fading it out, I like it! @Casual-T "blue it up" haha!
@Jeremiahbrown hehhehehe lolz
Is this a happy medium or should I just stick with one or the other? Thank you for all of the feedback!
So I really think that deeper blue you have in the first image compliments the characters and allows them to pop more. They all look great, but in my opinion, I think if you can find some way to preserve the blue more, especially around the figures, it will help elevate your already awesome design. I did a quick mock up of your first one to try and show what I'm talking about (I hope that's okay?).
I like your happy medium version I also like without any sky at all I think that it overall looks great
Is no one going to mention that he is cooking Pepe Le Pew?
One more version and I'll stop, haha. Is this a happier happy medium? I used took some of @Tiffany-Thomas' version. I may be splitting hairs at this point. Thank you all!
@chrisaakins I was wondering if anyone would notice that
They actually included samples in their instagram post:
I think your blue sky matches the 2nd photo in the link above
@donnamakesart Thank you, I didn't notice that!
@chrisaakins hahaha, I would have said something like "poor Pepe" but he seems to be totally okay with it, lol.
@Jeremiahbrown Yes! I like this one, it seems like the best compromise! I really love the cloud effect as a transition - also sort of give the feeling that they are up high on a mountain top. Such awesome and relatable characters!!!
@Jeremiahbrown That last version definitely rocks... Awesome work! These characters are just fantastic!