Anyone else here noting a sharp increase in spam?
@lauraa yeah I've noticed too. i've been reporting these posts whenever i see them
@coreyartus Thank you for your work!
Ugh! Sorry about that! We've tried various ways to keep the spam in check, but they always seem to find a way
We'll be working on this!
Glad Iām not the only one
I started wondering if the moderators thought I was some sort of a fanatic always reporting spam posts
@danielerossi Definitely not the only one!
@davidhohn There was apparently a spam attack last night....good grief
@randarrington Seriously! So much spam; it's crazy.
@jacy13 yeah it's really strange. Do they honestly think anyone here would go "oh man I've been waiting for this all my life. Thank you for posting unrelated obscure data on a niche forum" uugggghhhhh It's just dumb.
@randarrington I keep thinking of the stories I've heard on the podcasts about trolling spammers. Sometimes I have half a mind to do that on the boards but I never do
@coreyartus I'm a moderator, but I haven't been on much lately. I just purged a bunch that had been deleted. Crazy how determined they are getting.
@lpetiti Yeah it'd be nice to turn the table on them....all i need is a phone number
But don't respond to them here. It just sends them back up to the top!
@lauraa I'll give them this, they got more bold since the last I checked. One makes themselves actually sound like they want to have a conversation and even bothered to "post" on a critique. The other...not only offered an escort service but their profile pic is a picture of a girl's you-know-what. That's really disturbing...couldn't block that one fast enough (I'm not a prude but seriously that's pornographic...)
This site appears to be using Nodebb forum software. That package offers a spam plugin that makes use of akismet (a filtering service), Honeypot (another filtering service) and enables reCaptcha.
That should automatically eliminate and prevent the vast majority of spam and bot posts to this forum.
@jimsz Hi! Yes, it is Nodebb, and we already use Akismet and Honeypot
The spammers always seem to find a way!
@lpetiti It was certainly a bit of a shock....when I logged in at work and there "it" didn't register at first....then....SHOCK LOL!!!! You really don't get much bolder than that....
Just fyi, we were able to adjust some settings that will hopefully cut down on the spam
If not, then the next step would be to remove backlinks from user profiles. Keep us posted if you spot any!
@randarrington And it's purely for shock value, and unoriginal at that. It reminds me of whenever a high school student thinks they're being "original" or "funny" by sneaking stuff like that into their artwork. Thankfully that doesn't happen a lot...