Feedback For Portfolio Website?
@miranda-hoover hey Miranda, your website is very nice and artwork is beautiful and consistent, my only feedback is the oz cover art, while its a super neat angle, the emerald city looks a bit…phallic to me, maybe it’s my dirty mind, but it did catch my attention. It might just be because of its angle I don’t think I would have noticed it much if it were lateral. It’s probably just me though lol everything else looks great!
@asyas_illos Thanks for the feedback! That was a concern I had after I made that one
I'll look at it again and consider taking it out. Thanks!
Love the simplicity you have with your sitemap structure. Good job. Very important for it to be clear and easy to find where you want to go on your website. And you've done the most important part of having the art easy to find on the homepage.
It's easy to see the Books page getting added to the top nav/menu soon.
One opportunity that you can add as either a press page, or even just as another H2 section for your About page would be Accolades/Awards/Whatever You Want To Call It. It's not required, but you can share the times that you've won Critique Arenas, the time you were featured student of the month (with a link to the article) for them to read and maybe any other accolades you have.
For the record, I didn't see the phallic symbol until I read the comment above. I'm not the best at seeing those, so me missing it might not be the best judge. Weird statement...
Anyways, good luck. Love your work. Love your website.
Edit: A good example of the recognition would be on this querying author's about page. Just a real quick, easy-to-scan bulleted list.
@miranda-hoover I think it looks clean and easy to navigate. The pieces show a variety of subjects while staying consistent stylistically throughout, and shows off your character design.
@kevin-treaccar Oh! That's a great idea; I didn't consider adding anything like that. Thanks so much for your feedback--super helpful!
@jenn That's great to hear! Thanks so much!
@miranda-hoover How large are the original files you used for the images? It took a good amount of time for me to load it. It might have just been me at the time, but if it was having trouble pulling really large files, you might want to really crunch those things down so it loads super fast for agents that click on it.
@asyas_illos said in Feedback For Portfolio Website?:
@miranda-hoover ...the emerald city looks a bit…phallic to me...
Huh, the first thing it reminded me of was nipples. So... maybe it's working on a level for everyone?
@jdubz haha I saw those too lol @miranda-hoover its still a wonderful piece despite the chuckles it’s giving me
These are really nice. I like the Frog Prince angle (perspective), Monkey messing with the Croc, and The Video Game. They all look great, but those ones feel different to me.
Nice Work.
@miranda-hoover I enjoyed looking over your portfolio. It was simple and easy to navigate. Images were great. I am also a Pacific Northwest gal
Good luck!
@miranda-hoover Great collection of pieces, Miranda! My suggestion is about the website layout. The images are covering toughly 40% of the width of the page which leaves a lot of unused space for such wonderful art. My advice would be to expand the width to cover about 75% of the page so that each piece is more readable without having to click to expand it. Agents/ADs are usually busy and you don't know how much time they'd spend on a website so you need to lock in their attention! That's easier to do when you can see the details of a piece. Best of luck!
@jdubz Thanks for the heads-up! I should have known better
I'll work on reuploading smaller files. Thanks!
@DoodleMick Thanks! I'll take a look at those.
@Frogpunzel Yay! Thanks
@Neha-Rawat Thank you! That's a good idea; I'll add that to my todos. Thanks!