May stormN wip(s)
@ArtistErin @PenAndrew thank you ️
@Asyas_illos I think because of all the white surrounding the falcon, he's become the focal point.
@AngelinaKizz thanks for the feedback maybe if I darken her hair it’ll bring the attention back down to her…?
So here’s a version with darker hair
@Asyas_illos beautiful job rendering the sandstorm!
What is your intended focal point?
For me, the falcon draws attention -- why is he there? What does he add to the story?
Because you have 4 characters in each of the 4 corners, they're competing for attention. If you intend that the woman be the main character, because she's the smallest, you may need to put her in the darkest colors so that she will stand out. right now the camel and sphynx draw more attention than she does, because of their value, size, and because the sphynx is above the sandstorm.
That's how I'm seeing it, anyways. Hope this feedback is helpful.
Again, great piece!
@Asyas_illos what if you put a bit more tension on the falcon and flipped him to flying against the wind? You would keep the air change feel, have more of a triangle between your characters (minus the pharaoh).
So the falcon is definitely not needed to tell the story I was just thinking it was lacking something I tried one more spot for him but I can remove him altogether if it doesn’t work what do you guys think?
@Asyas_illos I think if you wanted to keep the falcon which I prefer on the left, but I agree it does draw your eye, as it well done, maybe you could make it a lower value, almost a silhouette and lower it in the sky.
I think the falcon is causing too much trouble LOL so out he goes
@Asyas_illos The wonderful thing about digital falcons is that they last forever and can return another day! This is one of the values and wonders of Procreate.
@PenAndrew yes he will be back sometime!
@Asyas_illos Did you see Rabbit road race is the july prompt!
@PenAndrew haha no I’ll check it out!
Started a new sketch for storm any thoughts on concept or composition? Story is pretty simple just a pilot racing the storm and loving it!
Think I’m going anthropomorphic with this one open to animal suggestions!
@Asyas_illos The Falcon!
I’m thinking bear, maybe panda?
@Asyas_illos I think a panda would be a winner! The only caveat there would be to make sure that the black patches of fur don't get lost in the dark storm clouds. Looking forward to seeing how this one shapes up.
P.S. Great work with the desert piece! I think you really nailed the sandstorm.
@Mike-Marttila thank you and yes since I darkened the sky even more not sure how it’d work out.