My book's success so far ♥️ Thank you SVS.
@carlianne this is amazing! Congratulations!!
@carlianne congratulations!!! This is so inspiring
@carlianne So happy for you! Very inspiring to hear of your success!
Congratulations @carlianne, that’s awesome!!! Sorry to hear you we’re laid off, but sounds like you are now able to put all your focus on your personal work.
Looking forward to to getting my copy!
Wishing you continued success!
@carlianne Congrats!!!
Congratulations @carlianne
That’s amazing! Congratulations!
@carlianne Such wonderful news! Congratulations!!!
@carlianne Congrats! Thank you for sharing your process and inspiring story!
I LOVE it Carlianne! You did such a beautiful job putting it together. I'm reading it through right now and it's fantastic.
Way to go!! Congrats!!
Looks adorable! Congrats!
Just saw this the other day in East City Books on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, and my face lit up. I wanted to tell the person next to me, I (sort of kind of virtually) know that girl!
congratulations, beautiful work
wow congrats this is awesome !
Hey everyone, I just wanted to apologize for not responding to all the incredible congratulations and well wishes. I didn't intend to just write this and then ghost everyone like the comments didn't matter. And I truly love this community and am so appreciative of all of you.
Shortly after I posted the original post my father passed away unexpectedly and I've been completely focused on helping my family heal (and myself as well of course).
I was really grateful to have such a great launch. I'm sad that I couldn't continue the forward motion on it but slowly starting to return to it. That said I've sold upwards of 2k softcover books which is kinda amazing! I also had a friend share that they saw my book at fisherman's warf in SF.
Anyway I love you all and felt guilty about disappearing and wanted to just come back while I have a second to breathe finally and tell you what happened
@carlianne I hope he had a chance to rejoice in your success and I wish you healing and sacred memories to bring you comfort.
@carlianne Fantastic and an inspiration to us all! So happy for you and my condolences on your fathers passing, I lost mine almost 10 years ago and the missing never goes away. I'm sure he's very proud of you! Here's to continued success!
Brilliant - congratulations
So sorry for your loss @carlianne, and no need to apologize.