Fundamentals and Composition - Feedback please
So, hello, my name is Juliana Soares, I am a brazillian architect, illustrator and comic artist. I was watching the composition and fundamentals classes, and took a bit to seriously Jake's assingment of drawing a house.
Tried to do a bit of storytelling, value and composition. I am still trying to figure out how to draw less atenttion to the trees on the background.... but, if anyone has any feedback, I would love to hear.
@Juliana-Soares That rabbit is soo cute! Love your house with story. As for the trees, maybe try to have them almost the same value/colour as the grass. And make the line work more blurry/vague. The road distracted a bit from the house and rabbit because of the thicker lines marking it. Would really like seeing this in colour!
@Juliana-Soares Ditto on what @Chantal-Goetheer said. Such a cute rabbit, and a lovely looking house.
I'll add a few suggestions too:
-You could try the trees with no line work at all: just colour shapes against a backdrop that's a similar value,
-The perspective is odd because the house looks like it's sitting on a flat area, as does the river, but the whole background looks like it slopes steeply upwards. So you could play around with the background perspective, and the trees could overlap a lot more,
-The rabbit's ears get cropped off at the top of the image - it would be good to see more there.
I'd also love to see this in colour! -
If this is at night, you can go much darker. But maybe make the fire pit smoldering so it doesn’t compete with the kid holding the flashlight.
Maybe even have the chair and fire pit swap with the kid so the bunny looks like it’s watching the kid
@kayleenartlover yes, or maybe the bunny is the one that really knows what happened hehe
@Robyn-Hepburn tahnk you! After posting this I thought about making some mountains on the back or something else. You guys are right. it seems flat.
And the original had the bunny's ears. I wanted to keep it but I was trying to get the composition right... I got a bit lost. Anyway, i will improve this!!
@Juliana-Soares I'm sure you will, and it'll be great! Sometimes you work on something so long you can't see it clearly anymore. Some good advice I got was to put the drawing aside for a while, then when you come back to it you'll see it with fresh eyes.