November 2024 Submissions - How To Fix Your Art
@ArtistErin just noticed a tangent so that it looks like the little girl is sitting on the flower. Maybe move her away a bit? Otherwise love the storytelling. The crab
@Julia-Hegetusch Thank you! I love the crab (or lobster? LOL) too! My sister used to go Crawfish hunting, and this was a nightmare for me once we got home, to hear their scream in the boiling water... yeah that one marked me for life...
I am thinking this is done
Love the feedback you guys! You know when you are looking at something so long you can't see anymore? I might've done that on this one
Done! Thank you for helping me see tangents and helping me with storytelling, I am happy with this piece now.
@AustinShurtliff Hi Austin! It's been a minute since I entered a piece for the livestream! I posted a few revisions here on this thread, just making sure you see the most recent one I posted today is my final version. Sorry for the confusion if I caused any! Thank you so much
My Submission!
Very nearly missed this one. I saw a cool bear drawing by Thomas Fluharty and it inspired me so much I rushed through an illustration today. Went a bit different and tried my hand and cutting out paper and layering it to create some depth. At least, that's what I tried to do!
Tracy La Rue Hohn
(Cheating a little with a throwback image.) -
My first proper submission to a contest - yay! I wasn't able to take the poster details and type all to the end, but the illustration itself is done and I wanted to hand something in, no matter what. Since it's Inktober, I thought I'd give inking a try and pair some good ol' Victorian poster propaganda (there's nothing at all wrong with this food) with Anime style food aesthetics. Thank you for your time !
Thanks for taking time to check out and review my piece!
Squeaking this in at the last second here haha!
Refreshments for the dehydrated guests!
Hope I'm not too late!
link text -
@Jeremiahbrown ha! The expressions are great!
@Cat-De-Pillar Awesome mashup!