Crit Welcome: Character Designs x5!
I love these! I don't have any suggestions... just noting your clean lines and fantastic characters. Love that Beast... the mask is great! Very cool
Great character designs, they are all very unique to each other, and it's easy to see which character they are representing in Beauty & the Beast.
@StudioHannah These are really cool! My favorite is the stick armed one.
Can I make a suggestion though? The two characters on the ends have a similar color palate with the various shades of browns. Maybe you could give the girl some orange or red on her outfit to be more visually distinct.
I don't know if this is on purpose, but to me the bully looks very similar to a lot of high school bullies in pop culture. Blond hair, square face, jock look, etc. Maybe consider changing his design somewhat so he doesn't look quite so much like a classic bully. -
@Meg-Clayburn Aaaah oh, I see what you mean. The drawing helped!
@AthenaBeana They come from the same town so I wanted to keep the "we come fro the same poor-ish area and only have so many colors of clothing to choose from" look but I can definitely mess around with them to make them more unique. Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks to everyones advice I did a second round for these characters with a bunch of adjustments and I think they look a lot better!
@StudioHannah great second round for the character lineup! I love how diverse and unique the cast is, all of the character's silhouettes would be easily recognizable not to mention the clear shape language with them.
@StudioHannah I love how you are improving! Working on a character sheet too! And building maquettes
So fun
@ArtistErin I've designed characters and I've sculpted, but I've never made a maquette. You would think that would have crossed over for me by now hahaha - I hope yours go well! I want to see them them you're done!
@_sadira_ Thank you so much!