@Will-Terry Hi Will. Thank you for your suggestions. I can see your point. I like using the space more like you suggest so I will look into that. And even though the house itself is tilted forward in my drawing (on purpose) your suggestion gives me reason to adjust the perspective as well, so you're looking at the bottom of the house.
Again thanks, and I hope I can adjust it in time ;).
Hey guys!
So here is my entry. I was trying the best I can to think outside of the box. So here is a character I designed from back in grade school, Cpt. Weird Beard. I figured if he was to have a tree house, it may look a little something like this. I always like to draw night time images because I remember as a kid that bedtime was lame, haha. And always imagined nightfall being a whole new world and mysterious. There were a few things I wish I added, like a parrot frantically clutching onto weird beards shoulder as they zip down the slide. and maybe a kid fishing from the crows nest. Would love to hear feedback. thanks! -
@Will-Terry Hey Will, so I've been playing with your suggestions and came up with this. Am I going in the right direction, following your advice? Somehow the first looks a bit more peaceful, but I dont like the negative space in it, so the composition of this one is better. ALso, I like to see the house from the bottom, it looks indeed more logical (even though some perspective lines are still a bit off - which I'll fix ;)).
Anyway, thanks a lot for the guidance/tips :).
@Dennis-Spaans WOW! so much better!
@Will-Terry Thanks!! I actually altered it more, pushing the left side more to the back. Im not done yet of course with coloring, but I'm quite happy to close the day with this piece. But I don't want to flood this thread with my stuff, so i posted in my own thread if you're interested: WIP Treehouse on abandoned junkyard
Hey all. I've been MIA for long awhile. I'm on the brink of throwing in the towel on ALL things art. I canceled my Photoshop subscription. I moved my studio with the intention of just turning it into my 'office', I canceled my web domain and just have a free Wix site. I've spent the last 4 months searching for a 'real' job. Ya know 9-5 with benefits and PTO... but....I just keep being drawn back.
Well this assignment spoke to me. I set some limits on how much time I would put into it. 4 hours Max including sketch design. Limited color palette and simple media. This little piece is ink and water color then digitally enhanced.
@Katrina-Fowler Really nice to see you back! - your work is so good....you must not realize how good it is...or believe it when folks tell you - i still remember Lee saying some Extremely positive things about your work when you won the Third Thursday - it was something to the effect of "9 or 10 more images like this and i see a book deal" - i may not be remembering correctly - but i remember thinking Wow she is awesome and he is right - anyways..i hope i'm not making things worse somehow - This new piece looks great! Really nicely done!
Here is mine!!
Last minute critiques always welcome
@smceccarelli this came out really nice!
@Katrina-Fowler This is great! I'm a sucker for ink and watercolor. I really like the simplicity.
Kinda confused at your "throwing in the towel" comments, but then, I'm new here. Obviously fodder for a new thread. Perhaps you'd like to share?
@NoWayMe Nice job on the final! The dappled light looks much better.
@smceccarelli love it!
@MirkaH Really love this! When I was a kid I loved illustrations like this that you could look at a for a long time and see the different stories/scenes taking place.
@Katrina-Fowler its simply beatiful! and u ve done it in 4 hours... nice
These are looking REALLY good guys. I love the creativity you are bringing to the prompt. It's exactly what I had hoped for!
Keep 'em coming!
Lee -
k, I'm going to go ahead and post these. It's more of a color comp at this point painted mostly with my finger on the laptop trackpad because I forgot my stylus. Not sure how much more time I'll have to mess with it. I did this on the plane which made my wife nervous. haha!
Total time around 1 hour in photoshop
@Lee-White Wow! One hour in photoshop sounds so nice
It looks great.
@Katrina-Fowler I love this!
@smceccarelli This is beautiful! I love it, Simona!