Itโs been a long time since I submitted something for an SVS competition. Is this the official way to submit it? And is it due Thursday? Sorry, Iโve been searching and canโt seem to find any info on where and when to turn it in. Thanks @Chip-Valecek!
@kristin-wauson Yes, post your finished image here and make sure your name is on the image itself for recognition. The deadline is the last day of the month.
@nellia Nice illustration! I noticed though that you didn't have your name on the image itself (that I could see, anyway). Don't forget to put your name on it for recognition if you win or at least for the slideshow that Chip does. If you find time to do it you can just edit your post and swap with the new image.
@kristin-wauson what @Jon-Anderson said
Just to echo @Jon-Anderson with the name on the images, it makes it easier for the judge(s) to pick and give credit to the submitter.
@nellia this is really sweet. Your pastel palette definitely adds more dimension to your atmosphere. Great job!
Since I am drawing animals I drew a snail I discovered in 7th grade doing a report on the Everglades, the Florida Tree Snail. Enjoy. Ink on toned paper.
โAfter spending a long, slow day in the bright, cold sun, the two little foxes creep into their warm, cozy den and slowly drift off to sleep...โ
Here goes nothing ...
"She buried her face in the warm comfort of the bear's icy, wet fur. It was bound to be a slow ride, but an extraordinary journey."
This is my first entry into an SVS competition. Hope you like it!
Instagram: @rotub.draws
Twitter: @rotub_draws -
@nellia so adorable!
First time in ages I have drawn something that's not a skull or a robot.
Had loads of fun doing it, still need to get practice in on my colouring and tone work. -
Roast it SLOW and baste every 30 minutes. =)x
Alright I'm really glad people liked the previous one but i changed the bus to a schoolbus and added a little something to the wait light. I think it gave this whole thing different feel.
Aleksey Nisenboym
Ig: @swordofodin -
A day in the park, when everything slows down...
Bringing light to a darkened forest may be slow going but eventually all will be bright.
Cranky But Well Loved
Someday, I plan to live in the country were life can be slow and peaceful. With this old, cranky, well loved truck to drive down small winding roads and wave at strangers who wave back.
Submitting my illustration for slow.
This is based on my 8-year-old son and I. He always tries to be zen when I'm meditating or doing yoga, but it usually ends up like this.
@jdrpictures I love this magical image. What a cool painting.
This post is deleted! -
I've actually been planning and sketching and working this one out in my head for quite a while. I love cut paper and tiny things so I made this candy tin illustration/ diorama (inspired by Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere")this month. It feels like you open the lid on a tiny magical world. I'll definitely be making more. It took a lot of planning to figure out how I wanted the layers and then I had to paint and place all these impossibly small elements, but it was really fun.