My book is in stores and online!
Woohoo! Congrats!!
C'est magnifique! Félicitations à vous!
@burvantill Merci Lisa!
@NessIllustration Woot! Woot! How thrilling!
@NessIllustration Ordered! Thanks for the info (and the shipping is cheaper than a trip to Montreal, though maybe not as fun.)
@NessIllustration Congrats! That is so exciting!
@demotlj OMG thank you!!!
That's SO sweet of you!!
@JennyJones @Chip-Valecek Very much so!!
@NessIllustration That is AWESOME. I'm plan to get a copy. Congratulations!
@Johanna-Kim Holy guacamole, thank you Johanna!!
Please be advised the book is in French though (prefer to clarify just in case!)