Creatures in Watercolor!
@Darian This is very neat! I love the silhouette and the way you're playing with shapes! Just like was mentioned above, I would also like to see the future ones fitting a theme. Great work!
Thank you everyone!
@animatosoor @Alicja-W @ShannonBiondi ..Oh the ghost theme would be so much fun!
I'm thinking of using a color for sets of 3 illustrations. I think that gives consistency as well as variety. What's say?
@Darian I say "here, here"! That sounds like a great way to do it.
@ShannonBiondi I appreciate the playful positivity!
Seaunicorn - If wishes were seahorses.
Which one do you like more? the blue eyed seaunicorn or the white eyed seaunicorn? About to upload to social media in some time!
@Darian I like the white eyed. The blue eyed seahorse almost looks accidental or unfinished.
awesome..thanks @jakecrowe !
I vote white-eyed too. Fits with the cat better.
These are great!
@Darian I vote white-eyed seaunicorn. It has a clean, finished look. These are lovely!
I agree with others about the white eye. It is a much easier read. I really like the texture in these.
@Darian Hey Darian, very cool creatures! I love how much personality the ghost kitty has. They reminded me of the work of the Dutch illustrator Paul Faassen, he makes some awesome birds. I hope they will be inspiration for you
Thanks for sharing his birds are awesome -check out those square ones lols!
@kat, @animatosoor , @Jon-Anderson , thank you for the feedback!
My phone died & put everything on the back-burner!@dkroese Thank you for sharing a fun watercolor style! much appreciated
Here's another creature!
"No more fetching." said, the Evil Poodle.
Love the poodle! Especially the X - funny!
@Darian The first one has more expression like almost surprised. I like it.