@Gary-Wilkinson Thanks Gary for the kind words! I love you entry as well. As always, big fan of your work.
"Mr. Croc Likes Watermelon Too"
I still want to work on this piece more, but I figured I would go ahead and get it posted before the deadline. -
OK, here's mine. Had some weird thinking going on, I guess.
@Braden-Hallett You have expressed that boy’s complete disappointment perfectly.
I pictured the family pets having their own ideas.
The struggle was real this month (artistically speaking).
@Maureen hahaha! very dark humor!
I love it! The bucket of apple peelings in the doorway are a nice touch
@Aleksey This is amazingly drawn with a killer concept, as usual. I'm a fan.
Hi, here my try on this month prompt with a very rainy vacation..
@MichaelaH that raccoon is so proud of their haul
Hi, @lou Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.
@jakecrowe I love this illustration style! Awesome work.
@Juliette-Tor I like this concept!
@Johanna-Kim daw shucks thanks
@BichonBistro Thank you