The wrong hasn't happened yet, but maybe I went too dark? XD!!
Lots of fun images, everybody! I see that bears have a bad reputation with campers LOL!
@MichaelaH So that's what Rocket Raccoon get's up to on vacation! :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: Love seeing the little details...the unicorn in the backpack is a nice touch!
@BichonBistro and @lou Thank You for liking my raccoon
and the details
@xin-li WOW! I had to stop and look at this one for a while because I could take my eyes off of it. I love the rendering on all of it and the drawing is so spot on. I could gush on forever!
@Kat hahaha I noticed that too!
@JennyJones Thank you and really glad you liked it.
@Kat @rizzyfig Definitely notice the presence of the bears from this month's contest. Really fun to see different take on it :-). My favorite would be @MichaelaH's backpack stealing bear: that Facial expersson
Love to see more of your work. Pocket surprise because I haven’t seen you.
I don’t think it’s too dark if so it’s mysterious and I don’t normally go that route but your marking style I like with this story.
People see fire, we see chance to roast marshmallows
@marek-halko I love your style, such a big fan of your work!
@xin-li so fun and whimsical!
@rizzyfig Love the eerie mood of this piece, the textures are all so beautiful!
@CLCanadyArts Haha the cutie lounging on the bench with the juice and hotdog crack me up!
@Gorillo Thanks a lot for the comment! I completely agree with you, the rabbits don't read that well. It's because I created this piece for the other challenge with the "Camp" theme. I also had some ideas how to change it to make it more fit for the SVS topic, but well, I was hesitant to change something I already considered finished, and also I really couldn't find much time for it. But thanks again for your suggestions, maybe later on I'll do another version of it!
@lmrush hi, so I like the story here, and it fits the contest well but I really love the bird and the fish. Wondering if you can play with it to be almost a fine art type piece? You really have a gift!!
@maibutterfly2277 Thank you so much!!!