How to do awesome illustrations EVERY time!
@Amanda-Jean I relate so strongly to the perfectionist monster problem!!
It's getting a little easier each time I make something, but can still trip me up in the color study/final render stage. Giving myself to just draw dumb or pointless stuff in my sketchbook has also been helpful. And taking a looong social media break as I learn this work process.
@Lee-White I keep coming across this process from various sources and I feel like I'm finally beginning to get the hang of it, but I really like how simplified your version is. And how you have to grade yourself as you go by using a check or an X! It forces you to examine your process and where you might be doing things the lazy way. But the hardest part of this whole thing by far is the 50 thumbnails part.. that's going to be a big challenge for me.
@Lee-White Awesome Lee. I can't wait to check it out! Thank you! -T
Excellent video. PDF saved and printed and up on the wall. Subscribed to the channel. Thank you!
This is an excellent video! I really appreciated seeing examples of what each step looks like. Now I can clearly see how much of the process I have been skipping. Didn’t realize it before. Super helpful, Lee. This really is great for someone like me who is trying to learn this on my own.
@Lee-White I managed 48 thumbnails on poking a collapsed drunk Cyclops in the eye with a shard of his shepherd's staff.
Buzzing. Top tips. -
@sigross oh good you did one where they climb on top of the Cyclops
@sigross super cool. keep the good work.
@Lee-White I've just subscribed! Great advice and I'm looking forward to your next video!
I like 14,15,39 and 41 and I like seeing his eyeball lols
@Aleksey yes I thought maybe they could run up his leg with a low camera angle. I like doing this many as it gives me more room to explore. Gets the visual cortex pumping.
@Heather-Boyd yes I like 39 the most as the cyclops looks like he's in a stupor, kind of slumped with his head dipping. 14 and 15 were the ski jump idea and launching themselves off the edge with a bit of dexterity. I think I'll draw him with a droopy eye as he'll have had a skinful of juicy wine.
@sigross very nice! I'll be doing a video on how to pick the right thumbnail soon. Not sure if anyone struggles with that, but I have some theories on it. : )
@Lee-White Really looking forward to that video! Sometimes, the more I thumbnail, the more overwhelmed I get with options.
my 50 thumbnails. Thanks Lee
I’m finding this lesson incredibly helpful.
Putting in the time to work out the thumbnails would definitely save me a ton of clean up time in the later stages. Great tips.
@Lee-White Thanks-I've been wondering about the comment "well it was hard until I got my process down"--just what's the process. And you spelled it out.
As a still a beginner-it's so helpful to have a map. I think lots of the questions and suggestions here will give you a nice list of topics for the lotsa-more videos I hope you make.
How many studies and thumbnails when you don't really care and the bar is set extremely low. Like, when you are designing a cross country t-shirt for your kid's team because you would rather buy that than the one at Walmart. And now you are selling them as a fun raiser. Way to step up and be a picky mom. Dang it. should've been happy with the Walmart shirt. For the record, I have printed out 24 outlines and will have the perfect coloring and design before bed. Way to be the voice in our heads @Lee-White !!!
@Whitney-Simms what were you thinking
@Lee-White A question: what if you happen upon a particular visual image (as opposed to an idea, or line of text) that you are wanting to create... do you still go through 50 thumbnails? As in observing the image from every point of view?