@Lorna-H Thank you! Moms need breaks, especially when the kids are home and driving us crazy 24/7.
Your piece is really nice. I really like the texture of the moon. I definitely get the feeling of isolation from the astronaut as he longingly looks at Earth with a broken space vessel behind him. Well done!
@Elena-Marengoni Now it's not a perfect match but Time Heist, season 8. The creature was separated from it's mate, locked away, partly displayed with all the other rare items she had and used. The creature also slightly resembles yours. What do you think?
@Janna-Gomez - thanks so much for your kind comments. As usual it didn’t turn out as well as I saw it in my head
I’m still really unsure how to translate the way I work traditionally into Procreate, I don’t feel at all at home or like I’ve found my style digitally yet, but I keep trying not to be too intimidated to enter the contests because I learn so much from finishing pieces then looking at other folks amazing work and hearing all the critiques each month. This is a really inspiring forum! So thank you for the encouragement, it means a lot!
@taislemos - what an original concept and so delicately rendered, just beautiful. Well done!
@eriberart - love your image, it’s your lovely distinctive style again that makes the picture so appealing.
@cynthia-bowman - I just saw your picture today and wanted to say how much I love it! The waves are so hypnotic. I love the way you’ve captured the storm. Just beautiful!
@Jeremy-Ross Thanks! I just did, hope I can still get in
@Lorna-H thank you so much
@Neha-Rawat omg I love this!
WOW!! I loved looking through these!
There are SO many amazing entries!!
(I don't know how they're going to narrow it down to 16!) -
@carlianne I really love this one! She looks like she’s lonely but chooses to be lonely. Like she just prefers the company of her bear
@K-Flagg sometimes a bear is just the thing you need
@taislemos This is beautiful! Are you on instagram?
@johnchoi thank you for the kind words! I appreciate it!
@Kim-Rosenlof saw this in the slideshow -really great pencil yah!
@Kat Thank you! I think I could have pushed the design of the opening a bit more to make the concept easier to read, but it was fun
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Thank you
@cshillustration Thanks
Oh man, I just checked out all of the contest entries for May and there are some great images in there. I’m really excited to see the top 16. I’ve got my picks for #1 and #2 but I don’t like to make public predictions so I’ll save it for tomorrow lol.
@Heather-Boyd Thank you!