90's Cartoon Yeti
Awesome character design!
love the no torso style here! i think this yeti would look so good in a 90s cartoon
love to see more as this develops !
great work -
Looks great, great poses too!
Here are some more drawings. I'm trying to figure out it's personality. I have two questions for everyone.
- Are there any props or costume elements you think I can add?
- Should I keep the horns? I'm not sure if they make it look too much like a generic monster.
@Naters-Calderone - I LOVE these!!! Your drawing style is just awesome. Lovely to see pen and ink sketches too rather than purely digital. I love the horns so would definitely keep then even if you decide to adjust their size, they give him an edge
I love the falling on his face image, so funny. I canโt think of any additional props at the moment but will mull over. I just wanted to say these are AWESOME and he is adorable!
Thanks @Lorna-H I like the horns too but they kind of take away it's "ape" feel.
I'm working on the final layout for the character sheet and I wanted to share a fun idea. It knocks out two of the poses in one image while giving it a bit of personality. It's looking at its reflection in a wall of ice.
@Naters-Calderone I think looking himself in the mirror is pretty clever!I don t know if it would work on a concept character sheet, but for a study challenge is a neat idea!
Also the design is awesome! Ready to give Bugs Bunny a whole lot of trouble! Well done mate! -
@Georgios-Christopoulos Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's a fun illustration, but not a great character sheet idea.
Alright, here is my sketch layout. I like the poses and the expressions but I feel like its lost its "character" somehow. Or maybe it's character changed along the way. What do you all think?
I think heโs still got plenty of character. Looks great! I think yours will be one of the most original designs.
Too many more sketches... but I feel like these capture it's personality a bit better.
@Naters-Calderone These look great! I definitely get the 90's vibe.
Alright I'm working on the color scheme. I'm leaning toward yellow fur like a polar bear. What are your thoughts?
@Naters-Calderone I am liking A. I really don't like b. The green accent color makes the yellow fur look like a not appealing green color instead.
@Naters-Calderone I really like A as well! It's the most visually appealing color scheme to my eyes
My 2nd choice would be D.