Erroneous post to be deleted. Don’t read this.
@danielerossi OMGeez! I am so watching this. Thanx for the heads up.
@burvantill I was thinking that it could be cool to organize a watch party but I safely assume it would be difficult across time zones
@danielerossi Oh wow! A friend actually told me about this at work a couple of years ago. He said it's quite surreal. But I didn't realise that it was Bill Watterson who made it!
Thanks for this Daniel. -
Hi @danielerossi, I think it’s a different Bill Watterson, but still sounds like an interesting movie nonetheless.
Will check it out!
Yes, it is a different Bill Watterson. This was on Roger Ebert's site:
"Before you get all excited, it must be clarified: Not THAT Bill Watterson. The semi-reclusive “Calvin and Hobbes” creator has not made his way to Los Angeles to pursue a new vision that only the cinema can contain. No, this Bill Watterson is a film and television actor in his early 40s, two conditions that do inform this movie’s vision."
@demotlj I just realized that now and came here to make some edits. Just saw the movie and it’s definitely NOT the Bill Watterson I thought it was. I was sitting there thinking “what an awful and very immature movie. I can’t imagine Bill Watterson making something like this”. Then it dawned on me — maybe itˆs a different Bill Watterson. A quick Google search and boom. À
Not getting those up minutes of my life back.Sorry everyone.
@jeremy-ross Don’t bother. I just found out it’s not that Bill Watterson. It’s a terrible movie.
@adam-thornton-0 Nope, not that Bill Watterson. A different one. I found out when it was too late and we’ll into the movie. I kept fast forwarding because the movie was just so stupid. Then I thought “I can’t imagine someone as intelligent as Bill Watterson creating something like this” then it dawned on me that perhaps it was a different Bill Watterson. And it was.
At least I saw it free on Tubi and didn’t have to pay for it.
@burvantill My apologies but it’s a different Bill Watterson. Just saw the movie and let’s just say that’s 80 minutes of my life I’m never getting back.